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Improving Data in Healthcare

At Clearsense, we find ourselves consistently asking, “How can data evolve healthcare?” It seems we’re not the only healthcare solutions partner thinking about the future. HealthTech Magazine recently shared the article “How to Solve the Healthcare Data Conundrum,” and it resonated with multiple members of our team.

Improving Data in Healthcare

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services estimates that National health spending is projected to reach $6.2 trillion by 2028, with many health leaders struggling to find the right fits to better understand and use the data in their organizations. From governance to archiving, CIOs need both applications and solutions that offer ease of use and robust ROI—after all, better data is everyone’s job!

Improving Data in Healthcare = Improving Patient Outcomes

The article found that in healthcare, “We waste an estimated 30 cents of every healthcare dollar.” With over 18% of the US GDP being spent on healthcare, the magazine writes that Americans spent $12,300 per person each year—twice the average for EU countries. Combine spending with staffing challenges and bottom-line woes, and it’s apparent that improving data can solve many healthcare headaches—if it’s a collaborative, protective approach.

The solution the future holds for data in healthcare is both complex and simple, the magazine shares. And it is precious patients who are affected most. Addressing waste and inefficiency by utilizing the lens of a data platform offers organizations a way to counteract just the items the magazine speaks of:

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“Several of the big sources of that waste — failure of care delivery, failure of care coordination, overtreatment or low-value care, and fraud and abuse — clamor for better data sharing, not only of patient data but also of machine data and process data.” (HealthTech Magazine)

Whether your organization is looking for ways to elevate efficiencies and reduce time spent on data by staff, we recommend these five resources:

Analytics teams spend more than 50% of their time prepping disjointed, dirty data instead of actual analytics. There’s a much better way. 1Clearsense is the end-to-end, clear-box data management platform healthcare has been missing — expertly combining data management and delivery. Sign up for a demo today!

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