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Interoperability Analytics

The healthcare industry is complex, and the delivery of healthcare services involves the coordination of various healthcare providers, payors, medical devices, and healthcare information systems. As healthcare organizations are becoming more digital, the need for interoperability is becoming increasingly essential.

Interoperability Analytics

In 2023, interoperability will be a key success factor for healthcare organizations because it enables seamless and secure communication between different healthcare systems and providers, resulting in better patient outcomes, improved efficiencies, and reduced costs.

Here’s why interoperability is important for healthcare organizations in 2023:

Clearsense Improving Patient Outcomes

Interoperability enables healthcare providers to access patient data from different healthcare systems, making it easier to diagnose, treat, and manage patients. With access to a patient’s complete medical history, healthcare providers can make more informed decisions, avoid duplicating tests or procedures and reduce the risk of medical errors. By improving care coordination and information sharing, interoperability can lead to better patient outcomes and quality of care.

Clearsense Enhancing Efficiency

Interoperability helps healthcare organizations streamline workflows, reduce administrative tasks, and improve staff productivity. With interoperability, healthcare providers can share patient data in real time, reducing the need for manual data entry and ensuring that patient data is up-to-date and accurate. It can also help healthcare organizations identify potential gaps in care, track patient progress, and reduce the time spent on administrative tasks, resulting in significant cost savings.

Clearsense Reducing Costs

Interoperability can help healthcare organizations reduce costs by reducing the need for duplicate tests or procedures, avoiding unnecessary hospitalizations, and improving the use of healthcare resources. It can also help healthcare organizations reduce the cost of maintaining multiple healthcare systems and improve the use of healthcare resources by enabling healthcare providers to access patient data in real time.

Clearsense Ensuring Data Privacy and Security

Interoperability ensures that patient data is exchanged securely and accurately between healthcare providers and healthcare systems. By adhering to the appropriate data privacy and security standards, healthcare organizations can ensure that patient data is protected and patient privacy is maintained. This can help healthcare organizations comply with regulatory requirements and avoid potential data breaches or privacy violations.

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Why FHIR Matters in a Data Delivery Platform

We hear so often that healthcare organizations want to leverage open standard-based technologies like FHIR and SMART on FHIR to achieve interoperability, improve patient care, and drive better outcomes. There’s no better tool than our healthcare data analytics platform, 1Clearsense.

1Clearsense enables organizations to leverage open standard-based technologies such as Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) and Substitutable Medical Applications, Reusable Technologies (SMART) on FHIR to achieve interoperability and better patient care.

FHIR is a widely recognized standard for exchanging healthcare information electronically. It is designed to simplify the exchange of healthcare information between different healthcare systems and applications, regardless of their underlying technology. FHIR provides a standardized way of representing healthcare data that can be easily shared across different platforms.

SMART on FHIR is an extension of the FHIR standard that allows healthcare applications to be securely integrated into electronic health record (EHR) systems. This enables healthcare providers to access relevant patient information from within the EHR system, allowing for more coordinated care and interventions.

1Clearsense leverages these open standards to provide a unified platform that can integrate data from multiple sources, including EHRs, medical devices, and other healthcare applications. This allows healthcare organizations to access and analyze data from across their enterprise, providing a more comprehensive and transparent view of patient health and enabling better decision-making.

Clearsense provides tools and services to help organizations build FHIR-based applications and integrate them with their existing systems. This includes a HITRUST, HIPAA-Compliant FHIR server for storing and accessing healthcare data, as well as development tools and APIs for building FHIR-based applications.

Interoperability will be a key success factor for healthcare organizations in 2023. It will enable healthcare providers to access, share, and use patient data in real-time, resulting in better patient outcomes, improved efficiencies, and reduced costs. By embracing interoperability, healthcare organizations can improve care coordination, streamline workflows, reduce administrative tasks, and enhance data privacy and security. In today’s digital age, interoperability is essential for healthcare organizations to provide high-quality care, remain competitive, maintain regulatory compliance, and meet the evolving needs of patients.

If you are interested in learning more about the 1Clearsense Data Management Platform and how it can help your interoperability efforts, please visit our booth at ViVE in Nashville (#1804).

And if you’ll be at HIMSS in Chicago, visit our booth (#7527) to see a free demo.

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Kreg Hall

Chief Data Officer

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